woensdag 31 augustus 2011

Flickering in JQueryMobile

At some time we where bothered by some flickering occurring in our JQueryMobile app.

Turns out, for me, its fixed when I put

input {
outline: none;

in the css

Unable to create JAXBContext due to the security restriction

I got this error trying to deploy an application on WebSphere.

The error doesn't really speak for itself and you need to go digging in the stacktrace to find what went wrong. Turns out I simply forgot to change the porpOrder so it matches the actual properties of the class.

@XmlType(name = "SearchRequestType", namespace = "http://foo.bar.com/services", propOrder = {
"property1", "property2", "property3", "..."

donderdag 25 augustus 2011

Double swipe event firing in JQueryMobile

I was having some trouble with swipe events firing twice in JQueryMobile

e.bind('swipeleft swiperight',function(event){

changing this to a live() fixed it

e.live('swipeleft swiperight',function(event){

the bind event will only attach to elements already rendered in the dom, so somehow i guess it gets bound twice